A Constant Search for Happiness in the Working World

Do you feel like you’re never satisfied with your job? Like happiness and work just don’t mix.

Maybe it’s a Millennial thing?

A variety of articles out there state – Millennials are having trouble finding happiness in their careers. They blame parents telling us, we can grow up to be anything and do anything our hearts desire. It’s a beautiful thought really. Yet they don’t tell you how hard it is to actually get there. I’m guilty of this notion. Finding a career that sets my heart in flames of passion, is kind of like the age old saying of trying to find a needle in a haystack. I so badly want to enjoy what I do, that I have been switching jobs often.

work, computer, desk, office, hard work, work anywhere
Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

The past couple jobs I’ve had, including my current, bring on feelings of anxiety and depression. I go into it expecting something great, to stay there a while, and build my career. I just cannot seem to get past the first step. Yet, in college I held a dream position. Planning concerts for my campus and the community. Not something I can easily come by in real life. Something I’ve been having trouble letting go of.

Constantly switching jobs brings on the depression side of things. I feel guilty for quitting, I think about how I should have just stuck it out and tried harder even though it made me unhappy and anxious. My savings usually starts to dwindle and then I pick up something new. I regain enthusiasm and excitement, until I find some part of the position which makes me very anxious or sometimes taken advantage of (doing work that isn’t a part of my position). This anxiety builds and builds, sweaty palms, churning stomach, difficulty breathing. Until I give in, and look for something new.

Why can’t I be satisfied with where I’m at?

Perhaps I haven’t found the right job for me, one that I can make into a career. Maybe these feelings are really something I should be following instead of trying to stick it out? I think others would disagree, but many in my generation are feeling this way.

I’ve been reflecting on what brings me enjoyment, without stress, anxiety, or depression. When I’m not over examining a situation or observing what others have (I’ve done this with my relationship far too much, and have become happier when I stopped) I am happy. Activities that give me happiness are: writing (like I am now), listening to others stories + career paths and writing about them, time with my boyfriend, yoga, board games (addicted lately), and my cats. Yet, how could these simple hobbies become something I can make a living on?

Props to those who work a job that doesn’t bring them passion, just to make a living. I don’t know how you do that every day. I don’t want to be stuck somewhere unhappy, yet here I am, unhappy.

Amongst the worries of finding where I belong, I’m going to start doing more for myself, away from technology. Self care and love are so important. I drown my thoughts with worries, fears, and anxiety. Instead, I’m going to be creating lists of what makes me happy, goals, and achievements. Yoga will be incorporated into my daily life more, along with reading. Feel free to send any book suggestions my way.

I’d love to hear from you.

How have you gotten to where you are today?

What was your dream career/what are you doing now?

What do you do to battle anxiety and/or depression?

Do you participate in self care/love?/How do you relax?

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