One Year Of Blogging | Being True To Myself

I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for one year.

Yet, time seems to go faster every year, so I suppose it’s not that hard to believe.

This past year I’ve had the pleasure to interview a few talented folks, explore my feelings and mental health and add in a bit of creativity into some posts. I’d say for year one I’m overall pretty happy with how my blog is going and the feedback I’ve received from others. Thank you to the few who actually read this. 🙂

Some things I would like to work on during this next year are:

  • Posting more often
  • Posting about topics others are interested in
    • Actually, scratch that, I want to post about what makes me happy in hopes it will help others
  • Incorporating my own photography in posts
  • Posting about an interview or review of a local artist/business at least once a month
  • Being true to myself 

In regards to ‘being true to myself’, I am planning on changing my Instagram to measha.lea (given first name and middle name) instead of espy_girl. I want people to know me for who I am, not some weird, cheesy name I came up with a year ago. I would like to change this blog name in the future too. However the Espy Girl domain is active for another two years, so for now I’m sticking it out.

The best connections are real, raw, genuine connections. Being covered up by usernames, filters and fake smiles isn’t what I want. I want my experiences to be shared. I want people to talk to me because they are drawn to the real, honest person that I am. This is important in all relationships and I feel that the internet takes away these types of connections every day. Most of what we see on the world wide web feels fake, unauthentic, and makes people more depressed than they already are.

I want real connections.

Welcome to Measha Lea’s blog.

Have any of you had a blog or website where you decided to change the name to your own? What made you decide to take that leap?

Yours Truly,
Measha Lea