Kerri is a Master Herbalist who owns River Prairie Apothecary. Kerri consults with clients to discuss any ailments they may have and create personalized herbal remedies for them. She also teaches classes and creates herbal products for everyday life, such as; teas, tinctures, salves and tonics just to name a few. Many of the products she creates you may find her teaching a class to create them yourself, or learn about how they help. Kerri is passionate about using plants for healing and grows a majority of her ingredients in her garden plot at Eau Claire’s Forest St. community garden.
Recently Kerri obtained her own space within local business The Broom and Crow, a shop filled with fun witchy things like tarot decks, crystals, dark artwork, altar kits and more. With a new space, an abundance of classes and a growing client list Kerri was ready for some new branding photos to market all her herbal goodness for River Prairie Apothecary.
Branding photography, especially personal branding – where you incorporate what makes you who you are within the photos, is a great way to get clients/customers. People these days want to have a connection with you as an individual and the product or service you are selling. Showing what makes you unique makes people feel connected with you. This branding session does just that!
Kerri and I started at her new space which is where she will hold consultations with clients. This gives clients a private and comfortable atmosphere to meet one on one and discuss whatever health or life circumstances may be troubling them. After quite a few shots in her space we headed over to where the passion all began, her garden! Here we gathered some holy basil, which smells absolutely amazing, admired some echinacea and practically inhaled lemon balm because it’s oh so heavenly.
This ended our session for the first day. A few days later I attended a class that Kerri taught at Beaver Creek Reserve. The class was a DIY Immune Tonic and echinacea was the star of the night. Attendees learned about a variety of immune system aiding herbs, while actually smelling, seeing and touching them. At the end of the session they created their tonic using the herbs they learned about and discussed what they learned and why they chose the herbs they did with members of the group. This class created a perfect photo session to show examples of what others can expect when they sign up for future classes.
Kerri now has a huge set of personal branding/branding photography for her business River Prairie Apothecary. Here are just a few of my favorites from our session together. She can utilize these via social media outlets, her website, class schedules, print and web advertisements and more.