Free Time – Fall Photography

Two of my favorite things are Photography and Fall,

however, using my time wisely and motivation are some of my largest struggles (perhaps we’ll discuss these later). As you may have noticed my struggles are reflected in Espy Girl. I haven’t posted in almost two weeks, and I’m oh so sorry! Boy has a lot happened since then! I’ve acquired a new job, with benefits! Makes me feel like an adult that’s for sure. It’s not exactly a dream job (call center life), but, it could get me places if I stick with it, which I plan on doing. I feel like I can afford life now and that’s pretty cool. Now that I have a routine, its more motivating for me to use my spare time wisely, like taking photos!

Lately, I’ve had trouble trying to come up with a new blog post idea. I’ve been wanting to use my free time doing other things besides sitting at home. A couple weeks ago I decided to get out of the house before the cold weather stays. Now, it’s super cold here in Wisconsin. One day it was fall and the next it feels like winter! We’ve even experienced our first snow fall already, most of the leaves on trees have fallen, and I think we’ve already hit freezing temperatures. That’s the midwest for ya!

fall, seasons changing, tree, leaves, photography, photographer, Canon, October, November
By: Measha Vieth

I wanted to share some beautiful fall photos I captured, while taking time for myself to get out. Fall is the most beautiful season, and yet, so sad because everything is dying. Trees certainly know how to go out beautifully. While I was obsessing over a particularly perfect shaped tree I spotted a couple with two cute little puppies! The owner thankfully let me snap a few photos and pet them. This completely made my day! Thought these cuties could make yours as well.

dogs, puppies, cute, little, fall, photography, photographer
By: Measha Vieth
dogs, puppies, cute, little, fall, photography, photographer
By: Measha Vieth

I’ve been into photography for around 10 years now.

If you’ve read my first post, How A Challenge Leads To Something We’re Passionate About you’ll see that photography has given me other subjects to be passionate about. Throughout the past 10 years I’ve been lucky to have some amazing photo and travel related experiences – which I’ll probably discuss in a later post.

I think something that has really helped me learn more, when it comes to photography, is my camera, I’m always learning new things due to having a DSLR camera – Canon 7D. Now that may sound obvious, but just exploring the settings on my camera and experimenting with them I learn a lot. This camera has been my baby, except I’ve been the one growing throughout the years. If you’re looking for a trusty camera to do photography you can check out the Canon 7D on Amazon here. My absolute favorite lens is the 50mm! It’s great for portraits and low lighting (concert photography). Plus it’s the most affordable lens out there. I use it way more than my camera’s kit lens. Oh, and it’ll also give your back a break, as it’s a small fixed lens that is very lightweight.

No mater what it is, I think having a hobby/doing something enjoyable in your free time is important. I’m curious, what do you enjoy doing in your free time? Is there something you wish you did more often, but don’t always motivate yourself to?

Hope you like the photos! Oh, and Happy November! 🙂

-Espy Girl

tree, orange, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
ground, leaves, brown, bright, boots, black, self portrait, orange, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
leaf, bright, ground, hand, orange, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
RV, travel, tree, orange, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
leaves, ground, orange, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
wheelbarrow, turquoise, ground, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
leaf, bright, tree trunk, orange, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
tree, orange, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
yellow, bright, leaves, tree, orange, fall, photography, photographer, October, November, Canon
All Photos By: Measha Vieth

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