11 Overlooked Benefits of Dating a Gamer

Dating a gamer has its moments of ups and downs, just like any other relationship. We, as the significant other may get frustrated, like they don’t spend enough time paying attention to us. Believe me, I feel this way a lot, but I also over think because of my anxiety (TMI maybe, sorry, not sorry, might see a post about it in the future). I’m always nagging my boyfriend about trying new activities together, or just cuddling (which we do a lot, yay!). It may be a hard pill to swallow, but, you know what, relationships are not always about spending time together (*gasp*).

We shouldn’t be dependent on each other, and I know that can be hard sometimes (I keep drilling that thought it my head). Getting lost in a relationship can be easy, and then you don’t even realize you’re being dependent. We’re both supposed to have our own hobbies, goals, and friends. Yes, it can be annoying and feel like those video games receive a majority of their attention. However, there are quite a few benefits to dating a gamer that can be over looked. In fact, I’m just realizing how great some of these points are as I write!

Also, I just wanted to share, I really dislike list articles. I mean, I love reading them, but there are just far too many bloggers out there that do them. Nothing seems special or unique anymore. So, here I am, being a hypocrite and writing a listicle (do people even call them that?). I just wasn’t sure how else to get these ideas out there. Lately I’ve been seeing the positives in dating someone who loves video games.

gamer, computer, computer games, dating gamer, games,

Here are ’11 Overlooked Benefits of Dating a Gamer.’

Note: All photos taken by me, Measha. Also, these points are just my opinion, from experience, not every gamer is created equally. 😉

1. Free time, to do anything we want!

Yup, that’s right, freedom! Some relationships feel weighted down, because a partner could be super clingy (*cough” me *cough”). Dating a gamer, there is no need to worry about when they’ll stop breathing down your neck. Heck, grab your credit card (or maybe theirs, because they won’t notice, as they’re too entranced by their boss battle). Get that pedicure you’ve been putting off, or visit the new, fancy restaurant down the street.

2. You don’t have to worry about them cheating.

I like to go out from time to time, get a drink, play some pool or darts, and watch live music. Sometimes we find ourselves out without our partner. It can be fun to dance with your friends, and meet new people. If the roles are reversed and they’re out without you, your mind might come up with some scenarios. Meeting someone else, making out at the bar, or in the bathroom, going somewhere and ‘hooking up’.

Being in a relationship with a gamer you don’t have to worry about this (I mean, if you do worry about this, you should probably take a look at your relationship). You’ll know they are home, sitting at their computer nerding out.

3. Patience is in their blood.

Well, not exactly, but they have a ton of patience that’s for sure. My boyfriend spends hours just exploring one little spot in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Just because he wants to make sure he doesn’t miss anything. In fact, he doesn’t want the game to end, so he’s waiting for all the DLC (add ons) to come out before he finishes.

Think about this, maybe the next time you’re getting ready. No need to worry and rush yourself, as your partner is probably just engulfed in a game while they wait anyways. Take all the time you need darling.

4. They’re good with their hands.

Need I elaborate? We’re all human here, and we all have needs. Being with someone that plays games every day, quick button pressing and flicking joysticks, has given them plenty of practice. Practice, for the bedroom of course.

gaming, keyboard, computer, hands, games, gamer

5. They’re good with kids too!

Maybe you experienced number four a little too much without caution, or it was planned (congrats!). Our gaming partners are sure to make excellent parents! They’ll come up with new strategies and continue to try them until they get that baby to stop crying. Then when the little tike is old enough, your partner’s big kid heart will play games with your kiddo. Now, that’s parent-child bonding at it’s finest.

6. You get to laugh every day.

It’s kind of funny when they screw up and make silly noises at the screen (makes me chuckle every time). Laughing releases endorphins, which makes us feel wonderful! Who wouldn’t want to laugh every day? I’m not sure how being a gamer makes them funny (besides the weird faces and noises mentioned before), but I find myself laughing all the time around my boyfriend and any other gamers I’ve hung out with too. A sense of humor is a huge positive personality trait for relationships. Perhaps this can give you some better examples of funny gamers.

7. We’re always learning new things.

Gamers are smart. They spend hours analyzing game play, trying to make the right moves, and solve the problems within a game. They’re often interested in fields that can relate to problem solving, such as, science and mathematics. My boyfriend is very interested in how chemical reactions happen, or the parts of a machine. I’m always hearing about what he learned at work, a well researched and thought out opinion, or something he’s read about that I never would have.

Our partner’s passion for such topics gives us an opportunity to continue learning each and every day. It’s actually pretty exciting! – Maybe I’m just a nerd too?

8. They’re committed in relationships.

This might be a confusing point. Since we often feel not enough attention is given to us. Your partner wants to make sure they successfully complete tasks in games and they’ll continue until they’ve accomplished their goals. They’re very dedicated to what they decide to do with their time. So, when it comes to love, being with the right person is important. Gamers want to know what makes you, you.

9. They can find you yummy recipes.

How you may wonder, well with Reddit, duh! Actually, this is a site I never used until I started dating a gamer. There is a ton of random, sometimes useful information and posts shared each day. Not sure what to have for dinner? Just ask your partner to check Reddit. I’m sure they can find a bunch of awesome recipe videos that’ve been up voted (you know they’re good then). This can be quite the benefit for you, as it just might motivate them to cook!

10. Following instructions is a piece of cake.

I’m sure my boyfriend could easily bake a cake actually, if given some instructions. Video games are all about learning how the controls work and what to do in order to solve the problem, as I keep saying – at least that’s my assumption. If they follow the correct path and use the controls as assigned, eventually these instructions will bring success. Just like in real life! Need the toilet fixed? Who needs a plumber when you’re dating a gamer? Just have them look up a how to, provide the proper tools, and you’ve got yourself a handyman. Two in one bonus! Actually, three, if they can bake you that cake.

11. You can have fun gaming too.

No need to be an expert. There are plenty of video games out there for everyone to enjoy. So why not join in on the fun with your partner (or against them). You could race each other in Mario Kart, explore and save friends in Rayman, and battle in Mortal Kombat. They’ll dig the fact you’re into trying something that they love doing. Right now, I’m slightly addicted to Stardew Valley, which is pretty simple, independent, and entertaining. Basically like living a virtual life as a farmer.

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo, gamer, games, gaming, controller, console

So if you can’t join them, I guess I’m saying you should be a farmer. That could be your hobby! Just kidding, unless you enjoy it, then by all means take up farming, or gardening. If that’s not you’re thing, and you just can’t get over the fact that you want more attention, feel free to refer back to point one. That’ll surely get you some attention. 😉

Say you maybe, sort of, liked this article, feel free to share it with all those that have a gamer in their life.